Sunday 29 July 2012

Distance...Doesn't Matter ;-)

I had always been the girl who used to believe that long distance relationships do not work when love is involved. That’s stupid, isn’t it? I mean where is the place for a relationship if there’s no love between people? You have friends and you have family and you love them in a no-matter-what way. My thoughts have always been stupid but I didn’t know that people around me are as stupid as me because they always agreed with me which always assured me that I’m right when I wasn’t. So which relationship am I talking about? Is it the one when you admit after a lot of ‘why(s)’that you’re in love or the ones in which you have the love from the very beginning yet fail to realize it like with your family and friends. I guess I’m talking about both.

The few months, after school is over and the college is yet to begin, are the hard times for each and everyone who is in a relationship and school was their only place of meeting. I hope you agree because that’s what I have noticed in last couple of months.

“She is busy in household chores in order to help her mother and he is texting her every other minute and not getting her reply. She gets some time free, reads all his messages and replies back with Sorry(s) but he is hanging out with friends. He gets no reply when he wants it, she gets no reply when she texts. She calls and his mother is in his room, he calls and she’s got no privacy.”
Source- Google
The excitement of messaging and talking in no-matter-what situation seems to fade which at times brings the thought in one’s mind that probably the love has faded too. With the geographical distance increasing between them and the poor communication brings the thoughts of breaking up. And those who actually follow this thought weren't brave enough to love someone at the first place, I would say. What did they expect when they committed to each other, that there would be happy times forever as in the climax of a fairy tale? That’s not fair. Hard times are a way to know how strong one’s relationship is. All they need to do is remember that such a time wouldn't last forever. My friends say this is the stuff which looks good only in books but frankly speaking believing in that single statement gives you the courage to really get over it. But anyway who am I to say, it’s their choice to choose whatever they want- a bit of patience or a heart breaking break up followed by depression. As for now, if I had to face such a situation then I would have liked to be patient. I can’t say the same about the past and the future though; I’m an unstable person actually.

Now in case if you’re thinking if I did not believe in long distance relationships then how come I say all the above. I have a reason. One of my really close friends shifted to a place which was far away from the place where she was initially living. I wasn’t there to say good bye to her, I was out of town and in a way felt good because I’m bad at saying Goodbye(s). We stayed in touch though. It wasn’t like we talked and chatted every day/every hour; we usually talked once in two months or so and when we did it was for over an hour and eventually I found out that our friendship had grown a lot stronger than it was earlier. It took me a lot of time to realize because obviously my mind was filled with the myth about long distance. But once I started believing in it, my beliefs grew stronger. There are some friends with whom I talk once in a year but I still never have the feeling that we have been apart. It’s what you believe in creates the magic, I think.

It’s been a week or more that I have been away from my family because I had to shift to Delhi in order to do my graduation. My grandmother once cried saying that kids go away and make friends and forget that their parents are left all alone at home and similar stuffs and that made me think about it. Yes, I always keep thinking. I realized perhaps she is right. We make friends, make a new world and our parents still wait for the moment when they would at least talk to us. In the last week I have felt homesick quite a many times but that was not when I thought about HOME instead that was when I thought I was AWAY from HOME. The word AWAY created a big difference.

So finally I decided that no matter what happens, even if I miss the scolding of being lazy or being on FB all the time, I would not think about being away from home. Geographically my home is probably 1352.4 Km via road but for me it’s just a phone call away. I make a call and I listen to my parent’s and grandparent’s voice. We talk and share and thanks to my good imagination which enables me to see the expressions on their faces when we talk.

So am I really that far away from my family and friends? I don’t think so. And no matter what relationship you share with the other person, it grows stronger with distance if you really believe in the magic that your relationship shares. Distance surely makes the hearts grow fonder and you in fact really start to know how important that person actually is in your life. And in case you’re a believer of long distance relationships do not work then give your belief a thought again because Distance doesn’t matter.


  1. yep, i totally agree with u...great post.. :)

  2. Why do u write such pakau stuff? Anyways, second last para, it shd either be:
    parent's or grandparent's voice
    parents' and grandparents' voice(s).
    :D :P

    1. thank you for correcting me and i write such pakau stuffs because may these stuffs keep my mind busy all the time.

  3. Pramod K Sahoo29 July 2012 at 06:21

    Physical distance really does not matter when hearts are in touch. Nice thoughts but presentation needs improvement. Keep on writing it will be better in due course.

  4. long distance relationships do create magic :) very well written.. keep it up

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Wow Qwow!! Which article can suit me any better than this?!! It's so lovely of you, Pinky, that you chose write about this topic..
      And lol! This isn't Pakau! Na, no way! Hahaha!

    3. I'm glad you liked it yaar...good to see you commenting here...thank you :-)
